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Talking Sweet About Nothing

Saturday, September 10, 2005

This Blog Is Not A Rebel Blog

I've spent a good number of hours this weekend setting up a radio blog. If you look to the right, underneath the sad old man is a link that says, "Radio Blog." Click it and a small window opens that will stream music that I have programmed. I will update the playlist occasionally and I'll try to say a few things about some of the tracks while they are posted. This first batch was really just an experiment, so the sequencing might seem a bit schizophrenic. It's mostly just some new music that I've been listening to and I'm excited to share it. Next time you're spending a while on the internet, keep it open in the background and let me know what you think. Also, if a song suddenly stops and skips to the next track without finishing, please send me a comment or an e-mail. I might still need to tweak the buffer time a little.
|| Adam, 11:41 PM


Nothing comes up when I click Radio Blog
Blogger Lee Higginbotham, at 11:01 AM  
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Blogger Adam, at 1:33 PM  
That deleted comment above this was mine. The link was incorrect and I couldn't edit the post. So, let's try again.

First, try this link


If the page opens and the radio blog plays, then we can rule out problems with the program itself or the server.

If the radio blog works when accessing the URL directly, then my first thought is that it is being blocked by a pop up blocker. Although, I have Firefox set to block pop ups and it doesn't affect the radio blog. Perhaps an external blocker?

I tested this on four different browsers and from a friends' computer, so I thought I had all of the bugs worked out. Please let me know what comes of this. I'll continue researching for what might be causing this.
Blogger Adam, at 1:54 PM  

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