The egg on the right is a cage-free, store-bought, egg. The egg on the left is a locally grown, naturally raised, cage-free, no hormones, antibiotics, etc. The difference is obvious in the picture and even more so in-person. It says a lot about how farming habits affect our food, and consequently affect our health. Not only does it taste better, but it's far more nutritious and has far fewer harmful synthetics to further poison our bodies.
Katie and I were kind of going crazy not having fresh, local produce since our
CSA program ended in November. Luckily, we found a winter food co-op (basically operating like a CSA) that will supply us with a weekly supply of produce until our regular CSA starts up again in the spring.
Mill Valley General Store - our new winter-buyer's co-op
Breezy Willow Farm - our summer CSA