Grape Nuts is the best cereal ever. What I like about Grape Nuts is that there are no gimmicks. There's no cartoon bunny dancing around on the box cover, there's no commercial with a lame jingle that gets stuck in your head for years (Honeycomb, I'm looking in your direction). You get a box full of cereal and that's it. No prizes, no celebrity endorsements. It's just a pound of wheat and barley with a picture on the front.
Yesterday I bought a massive box of Grape Nuts, twice as big as the box I normally purchase. This box must have weighed close to five pounds. Any other box of cereal this size would weigh half as much, which makes them half as good. You've got to respect a cereal with the same density as gravel.
When I was going to school in Lubbock and would drive home to Dallas I drove through a small west Texas town called Post. This town was founded by the inventor of Grape Nuts, Charles William Post. The story is that he dreamed of creating a utopian city, and this is one of the earliest examples of a planned community. Unfortunately, it would eventually lead to the final breakdown in his health. A much more comprehensive telling can be found
Lately, I've been eating my Grape Nuts with yogurt instead of soy milk. Talk about a little slice of heaven. I highly reccommend raspberry yogurt for any Grape Nuts enthusiasts out there. Novices, however, be advised. Without proper conditioning, teeth can be chipped. This is not a cereal for lightweights.