For those of you who refuse to acknowledge Dr Pepper as the reigning leader of the world's soft drinks, let me suggest that you please take a minute and read
this. Her rhymes flow effortlessly and the message is consistent throughout;
Dr Pepper, I Love You.
Now, let me educate you as to how to fully appreciate the Doctor. Many people might not recognize the subtle differences between a fountain drink, a 2 liter bottle, or any other form of delivery. Luckily for you, I've put a lot of thought and effort into this, and I am going to let you know how to get the most out of your Dr Pepper experience.
First of all, it is easy to think that a fountain drink would win hands down, and believe me, I've had some amazing fountain DPs. The problem we face here is irregularity. The slightest shift in the amount of syrup and carbonation can ruin a great soda. There is something to be said, though, of restaurants who serve DP. A small variance in soda consistency can
sometimes be overlooked by combining it with certain foods (chips and salsa, I'm looking in your direction).
As one travels further away from Texas, the chances of finding restaurants that offer Doctor Pepper become smaller and smaller. So, friends, let me tell you how you can fully experience the heavenly flavor in your own home. Here is what you'll need:
- Dr Pepper in an aluminium can
- A glass (not a plastic cup, people. I'm talking glass here)
- Ice, preferably Sonic ice, but if unavailable, any ice will do
I highly recommend that you chill the Dr Pepper cans in the refrigerator before pouring it over ice, but I would understand if your desperate craving prevented you from waiting.
Another way to truly enjoy the Doctor is straight from a chilled glass bottle. Unfortunately, DP in a bottle is hard to come by, especially if you're not in Texas. A glass vessel, as you might guess, is the key here.
Drinking straight from a can (chilled, of course) ranks second in my book. The mix is consistent, and the serving size is small enough that it does not lose carbonation (a shortcoming of the 20oz and 2 liter bottles).
Once you have mastered the "DP From A Can In A Glass Over Ice" technique and you feel you are ready to take it to the next level, may I introduce to you
The Trifecta! (warning, this site is for mature audiences only) While this combination has long been a dietary staple for me and many of my friends, I want to thank my friend, Chelsea, for giving it a name and documenting it on her
blog. I partook in this holy trinity last night and my taste buds are still intoxicated!